Out Of The Comfort Zone Interview with Jacinta McCombe Nectar Cold Pressed
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Andrew McCombe:
Hey guys, Andrew McCombe here from Outlier TV, where we celebrate difference to make a difference. As we share inspiring stories of ordinary people, doing extraordinary things with their businesses and all their lives today, I’m lucky enough to be speaking with Jacinta McCombe. She’s the co-founder of Nectar Cold-Pressed, and I’m going to put her out of her comfort zone so that you can get to know her a little better before our full outlier TV episode is released in the next few days. Okay, let’s go and meet her. Jacinta, Welcome to your pre Outlier interview show called out of the comfort zone.
It’s customary on Outlier that we have a quick rapid-fire, 10 questions, and three minutes that help the audience get to know you a little better before your full interview and the next route being released in the next few days.
Are you keen? (Sure.)
Okay. So here’s how it’s going to work. I’m going to ask you X amount of questions. I’d say 10, but often it’s a bit more than 10, and you’ve got to tell me the first thing that comes to mind. Okay? (Okay.) And it’s just one sentence, one or two sentences and you’re done.
Okay. You ready? Ready? Okay. If you could own a cafe, would it be an indoor and an outdoor one, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
I still love the outdoors, but probably indoor. Stability. Depends where you are. I don’t know, actually.
Outdoor with a canopy and heaters.
Andrew McCombe:
Okay. If change was a race, what’d you be the tortoise or the hare, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
I like calculated change. If I can see the benefit, I will always be willing to change. Do you agree?
Andrew McCombe:
It’s not about me. Okay. You used to have a juice called Refuel, but it’s now discontinued. How long did it take to discontinue that juice, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
Oh, it was such a nice juice, but it actually was the most expensive juice that we made. It was our smoothie juice. Um, we used to spoon the flesh of the coconut out of a young coconut. So crack the coconut, spoon the flesh out, to blend it up. So, really, it was not a scalable juice. So we had to do away with it when we started to build businesses.
Andrew McCombe:
And just going back to change. How long did it take to discontinue when you knew it was the most expensive? It took the longest.
Jacinta McCombe:
From the first day, we made it for almost three years.
Andrew McCombe:
Wow. So what do they call you Napkins?
Jacinta McCombe:
Napkins is because in the cafe I used to own, we used to have knives and forks and folded napkins to give to customers. And then we changed to rolling the napkins. And I didn’t want to change from that.
Andrew McCombe:
Why is that? I believe he had two staff members working on it for 15 minutes a day. Call it a half an hour of wages for five years. And you still didn’t want to change.
Jacinta McCombe:
I think it looked nice. (And even though it cost you a lot more?) Even though, It cost a lot more. Yeah.
Andrew McCombe:
Okay. Do you prefer fruit or vegetables, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
Vegetables. Crunchy, Crisp, fresh.
Andrew McCombe:
Good answer. Have you ever driven for 24 hours to deliver juice in a cyclone? And if so, what happened?
Jacinta McCombe:
Yes. We had to drive to Bundaberg cause the HPP machine was down. So we made the juice all day. Kim and I got in the truck and drove it up to Bundaberg or stayed overnight. A halfway or even a third of the way with the truck running all night. Cause we didn’t want it to lose temperature and then drove to Bundaberg the next day.
Uh, all because we had a new branding just released, and we couldn’t have a gap of three weeks of no juice without our new branding. And we were making week to week at that point. So, we didn’t have a stock on hand. (And was it windy in the truck?) Very windy. We had to take inroads on the way home because of the cyclone.
Andrew McCombe:
But you got home.
Jacinta McCombe:
We got home, and the juice was delivered. Everything was done.
Andrew McCombe:
Fantastic. What uniform did you wear to unpack your first-ever cold-pressed juice machine?
Jacinta McCombe:
Kim and I had come straight from the beach in our thongs and jeans shorts, and we had a hammer with us. (Don’t tell the food authority about that one.)
Andrew McCombe:
Okay. Which comes first, the customer or the money, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
The customer. (Why?) Because the customer needs to be happy. If the hard decisions need to be made, the customer always comes first.
Andrew McCombe:
Have you ever cried over cash flow?
Jacinta McCombe:
Many times. Often. Not as much lately, but in the first four, maybe even up to the last, since 12 months ago regularly.
Andrew McCombe:
It’s interesting. Isn’t it? So the customer comes first. You’ll do whatever it takes, but even at your own detriment causing stress, but that’s just a measure of who you are, isn’t it? (Yeah.) Yeah. So what’s your secret to happiness?
Jacinta McCombe:
That everyone else is happy.
Andrew McCombe:
Very interesting. So when you are asleep, do you speak backwards and is it a legitimate language?
Jacinta McCombe:
Evidently, I do speak backwards. Like some sort of tongue language that no one can understand.
Andrew McCombe:
Okay. If you could only drink one flavour of juice for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
EagleEye, it’s got a nice, beautiful flavour, but lots of carrots and just amazing taste.
Andrew McCombe:
Yeah. You have three children, a 10-year-old and an 8-year-old, and a 6-month-old. Which one’s your favourite?
Jacinta McCombe:
No favourites.
Andrew McCombe:
If I was carrying one shopping bag and you were carrying 10, would you take mine too?
Jacinta McCombe:
Sure. I would offer.
Andrew McCombe:
It’s interesting. How lucky are you, and why?
Jacinta McCombe:
I guess we’ve chosen everything we have, right? Where we live, what we’re doing, what we do with our children. So, I mean, we’ve created, I think we’re not lucky as such, but we’ve created what we have. So I don’t sort of reflect on things as being lucky or not lucky. I think everything happens for a reason. Right? And things present themselves when they’re meant to.
Andrew McCombe:
Okay. So if you could solve the world’s obesity crisis, what would you do or recommend?
Jacinta McCombe:
Everyone drinks Nectar Cold-Pressed. Three days a week, sorry. Three times a day.
Andrew McCombe:
Okay. Who’s your celebrity body double?
Jacinta McCombe:
I have no idea. The Tomb Raider lady, maybe that’s who I would like to look like.
Andrew McCombe:
Lara Croft. Okay. If all of a sudden you lost all of your money, what would you do tomorrow to earn money?
Jacinta McCombe:
Probably just try and help people, help people where they need help, and be remunerated that way. Sorry. I was gonna say, just offer my skills. Yeah.
Andrew McCombe:
Um, final question. What would you like to be remembered for?
Jacinta McCombe:
For someone who loves to have fun and likes to enjoy life and just do whatever, like have no limits really just do whatever you want to do, whether it be just hang out or having time at the beach, hanging out with friends. I guess I just like everyone to enjoy what they’re doing as well and everyone to be happy and to really just have a fun, relaxed lifestyle. I don’t know if that’s synonymous with owning businesses and manufacturing, but it seems to be working.
Andrew McCombe:
Well. There it is guys. We’ve now learned a lot more about Jacinta McCombe before our full Outlier TV episode.
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Andrew McCombe
Andrew McCombe is the founder of Outlier TV - Outlier shares the inspiring stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things with their businesses &/or their lives, outside the comfort zone.