Welcome to Outlier and thank you for registering your child for our next Young Outlier Training Program.
We look forward to empowering your child to become a great athlete and an even greater human being at the same time.
We will also send you this page as a thank you email shortly and an additional email with specific details about the Outlier Training (days, times, locations etc).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at training@outlier.tv and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward to meeting you and your child in person at the first training session, which we will notify you of the details in our next email.
To maximise the success of your Outlier Program we kindly ask you to fill in our Pre-Exercise Health Assessment and Waiver / Release form
Thanks again for joining the Outlier Training and…
Here’s to living the Outlier life, outside of the comfort zone.
Andrew McCombe
Founder and CEO