Outlier TV Out Of The Comfort Zone Interview with Dale Beaumont Business Blueprint

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Andrew McCombe:

Hey guys, Andrew McCombe here from Outlier TV, where we celebrate difference to make a difference. As we share inspiring stories of ordinary people, doing extraordinary things with their businesses and their lives. Today, I’m going to be speaking with Dale Beaumont.

He’s Australia’s premier business coach and founder of “Business Blueprint.” And I’m going to put him out of his comfort zone so that you can get to know him a little better before our full Outlier TV episode is released in the next few days.

Let’s go and meet Dale.

Dale, it is customary on Outlier, we put you out of your comfort zone so that the viewers can get to know you a little bit before your full episode in the next few days. Are you keen? (Yeah, let’s do it.) Okay. So we’re going to ask you 10 or so questions that I want you to answer.

Give me the first answer that comes to mind. And we’re going to ultimately aim for about three or four minutes, but most interviews have gone a bit longer than that.

Okay. Let’s do it.

So Dale Beaumont, one of Australia’s most successful business authors, speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs, but who are you really?

Dale Beaumont:

I think I’m just a person that likes having fun, that likes making a difference, and helping people. That’s really kind of what everything that I do is, how can I help people? And that’s what I get the most joy and satisfaction out of.

Andrew McCombe:

Very good. Who or what is your biggest inspiration, and why?

Dale Beaumont:

I think my biggest inspiration, definitely, early on, were my parents, they were hardworking business owners, and they struggled to raise three boys. And they definitely were an inspiration to me. My Gymnastics coach was also very influential in my life. And then, later on, I think all of the coaches that I’ve ever had or anyone’s event that I’ve attended, from Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Zig Zigler, Brandon Bays, all these kinds of gurus.

I’d like to think I’ve learned from everyone.

Andrew McCombe:

Very good. Okay. Looking back. Do you prefer aerobics or business?

Dale Beaumont:

Definitely business. Aerobics is, you know, it’s fun to do, but I suppose and not really a career. So definitely business.

Andrew McCombe:

Interesting. So I want to show you a photo. What is this photo, and what does it represent?

Dale Beaumont:

Well, that is apparently me and my son licking my face. And it was painted by someone that was inspired by my work and wanted to do a painting. She found a photo of me somewhere and a photo of my son and put the two together, and she gave it to me. So a bit of an unusual gift and I didn’t know where to put it. So it’s in the bathroom, in the office.

Andrew McCombe:

Very good. Okay. So behind every great man is a great woman. How true is this for you?

Dale Beaumont:

Very true. I think, you know, in life, one person’s great. Two people, it is just so much more powerful. In my case, it’s my wife, Catherine, who has supported me with all of the crazy things that I have done. And she’s very much involved in our business ventures and helps me to make all of the key decisions, and we make a lot of them together actually. I would not be where I am today without having her by my side and doing this journey together.

Andrew McCombe:

Very good answer. Okay. Can business and family mix successfully?

Dale Beaumont:

Definitely can. Yeah. I think, it has to as well, if you want to have a good business, if you feel personal life is in turmoil, it’s going to affect your business.

And so I do think it’s important to work on how both can be working for you. I think it’s important also to know your priorities. And for me, it’s kind of like family first business second. But they definitely can work together and should definitely do so.

Andrew McCombe:

So why does your son Finn call your daddy Dale?

Dale Beaumont:

He calls me by my name, Dale, as opposed to dad. He reckons that when he was calling me ‘dad,’ I wasn’t kind of responding, so he called me Dale, and I turned my head. Cause I think you’re just so used to hearing your name. When you hear your name, you just respond. I think he also does it because he likes being a bit of a rebel and so he knows that I don’t like it, so he does it even more, which is what kids oftentimes do.

Andrew McCombe:

Okay. So if you had the choice or a choice between any superpower, what would it be and why?

Dale Beaumont:

I thought about this before. If I had any superpower, it would be finding hidden treasures. Because I think so much of history is still buried in the ground or at the bottom of oceans, different places. So I’d love to be able to just stand on a point on the Earth and go dig here or send down the submarine at this particular point. Cause I think that there are just so many things that we could learn from discovering hidden treasures.

Andrew McCombe:

Very interesting. So speaking of interesting, what is this photo here?

Dale Beaumont:

That is a very unusual or awkward, highly awkward modeling photo. I think I was 16, and I was obviously very flexible back then.

I definitely could not do that now. And I was told to do an interesting pose, and that was what came to mind, and it’s very embarrassing right now. (So it’s not a PR shot?) No.

Andrew McCombe:

So if there was one person in the world you’d like to meet, who would it be and why?

Dale Beaumont:

I think right now it would be Elon Musk. What he’s doing is just such an impact. Almost like a single handedly has changed the entire car industry. And now almost all the big companies are following suit and some of them declared that by 2022 or 2023, all their cars will be fully electric. Which is just monumental, that shift that has happened in the industry that’s just relied on fossil fuels for nearly a hundred years.

I just admire what he’s done there. Also, he plans to go to Mars. I just think he’s just able to push the boundaries in ways that most other people haven’t before. So he’s probably someone I’d definitely love to do dinner with for sure.

Andrew McCombe:

Have you ever got lost?

Dale Beaumont:

Yeah. Got lost a lot of times and sometimes with my family as well. Name a place, and I’ve probably got lost there. (Buckingham palace?) Yeah. There are thousands of tourists there and I kind of lost my family, maybe taking a photo or checking out some signposts somewhere. It’s happened a few times, so I just always now make sure to tell the family, if I get lost, this is where we’ll meet. (So we’ve got a GPS tracking?) Something like that.

Andrew McCombe:

Okay. If there’s one country in the world that you haven’t visited, but you’d like to visit, what is it and why?

Dale Beaumont:

I’d love to go to Iceland. I haven’t been there yet. But I’ve just heard that the scenery and the diversity of scenery is spectacular. So I would definitely love to go to Iceland sometime soon.

Andrew McCombe:

How does travel improve your business?

Dale Beaumont:

I think by the nature of stepping out of your business, it means that the business has to stand on its own two feet and has to start to think for itself. And the team needs to start using the systems that you’ve created and making decisions without your constant meddling and input. So I definitely think it makes your business stronger, and it gives you the time and the space to think of things when you’re not so close to it.

And so some of my best ideas I’ve had is when I’ve been out of my business, traveling.

Andrew McCombe:

And how does travel improve your family life?

Dale Beaumont:

It definitely does. You know, being able to wake up in different places and to spend time exploring together, we’re creating, I call it like banking memories. So we’re making lots of deposits in the memory banks of life. And it’s been awesome to be able to do that with our kids.

Andrew McCombe:

Now, what is something that no one knows about you?

Dale Beaumont:

Well, I try not to keep too many secrets, and it is a family-friendly show. I was a gymnast for a number of years, but then I did competitive aerobics for a number of years as well, had a few wild potties during those aerobics years.

I was 16, traveling the world, beautiful women all over the planet would come to these competitions. So, yeah, it was a fun time.

Andrew McCombe:

Okay, if you were given a one-minute ad slot during the super bowl, what would you fill it with?

Dale Beaumont:

What would I fill it with? It would probably be something inspirational, probably a poem, music with some beautiful kind of graphics and images, you know, really about showing kindness and more respect and tolerance, especially in a country like, you’re talking about the super bowl and, you know, let’s face it, who’s watching the super bowl is like 99% of Americans. You can see just how divided and the country seems to have become of late with the current kind of political climate.

So I think about having more humanity, working together, and knowing the fact that for society to work, we need to work together.

Andrew McCombe:

What’s your spirit animal?

Dale Beaumont:

Spirit animal? Probably, a tiger. I love the fact that they are definitely effective, even deadly, when they need to be, but also very calm, peaceful, and majestic. So I think that sort of like polarity between success and achievement and stillness and calmness is something that I aspire to do.

Andrew McCombe:

Okay. Tell us about this photo here.

Dale Beaumont:

Yeah, that’s another one of my weird modeling photos. So that’s the planche, legs apart, of course. And I’m trying to show a bit of strength, but why I’m doing it in jeans and no shirt. I didn’t know.

Andrew McCombe:

Very impressive. Okay. We’re almost there. So as Robert Kiyosaki famously wrote, if you want to be rich and happy, don’t go to school. Do you agree with that?

Dale Beaumont:

Not entirely. I don’t think Robert Kiyosaki even agrees with it. He said that he doesn’t agree with that statement fully himself. He sold a lot of books. I think that it was definitely a good title, grabbing people’s attention, but I think that having a basic edge or having a good education, I think, is really important.

I struggled a lot at school. I was very hardworking student, but I had this dyslexia, and I found it hard to read. But my mum put me into tutoring. She really persisted. I’m still a terrible speller and I’m still not a great reader. But I worked enough where it doesn’t hold me back. I think you got to do the best you possibly can at school.

And then certainly some careers that you do, if you want to get into medicine, you’re going to have to go to university and the same with many, many professions. And I think that maybe going to school or business school; maybe if you’re an entrepreneur, there are lots of other ways that you can get an education in business. I think even having a formal education in business can actually be to your detriment.

But for most other careers, going to school, going to university is part of what you have to do. And so I don’t think it’s a case of doing one or the other. I think you do both. Then you do everything to the best of your ability.

Andrew McCombe:

And being one of Australia’s prominent business educators. It’d be crazy to say, “don’t go to school.” Wouldn’t it? (That’s right.) Okay. Is it possible to make money or be successful just by being yourself?

Dale Beaumont:

Yeah, I do think that bringing your personality into your businesses is a wonderful thing and can be very profitable. One of my good friends is Justin Herald, who started a brand called Attitude, which was really all geared around his personality. And that became a multi, multi million dollar business.

And his brand was licensed onto thousands of products all around the world. And a lot of it was, that he’s very abrasive and sometimes even arrogant person. But he’s a really nice guy when you chat with him, and we’ve become really good friends, but the attitude that he brought to his brand, which was a reflection of his character, was key to his success. I do think you want to be yourself.

But if you want to help more people, I think you have to learn to, you know, just like round out some of your edges so you can appeal to more people.

Andrew McCombe:

Very good. So why should a potential outlier, entrepreneur, and existing entrepreneur watch the full Outlier episode with Dale Beaumont?

Dale Beaumont:

We go into my backstory, a little bit about how I kind of got started on this journey. I talk about some things that I don’t normally share publicly. In fact, I never talk about it in any of my events or workshops.

So, something that happened, in my past that defined the person that I have become, talk a little bit about how I kind of got started and how other people can make a start in terms of their journey.

And then also how I’ve been able to lead this life of mixing business and family and travel and adventure and being able to achieve like personal goals and dreams as well.

So hopefully, I’m sure that people will learn a lot from tuning into the full episode. And I hope it inspires people to take their life to the next level.

Andrew McCombe:

It’s a must-watch. Dale, thanks for coming out of the comfort zone. Yeah. Thank you.

Well there it is. We’ve now learned a little bit more about Dale Beaumont.

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